Lessons Learned

Out of the COVID-19 gloom, there have been lessons to learn and gratitude for the things we have always taken for granted. Here is just a peek at what some people have learned about life in the time of Corona.

By Chandrea Serebro

Lindi Markowitz Katzoff 

That my ex-husband and I can work as a team and still live under the same roof. And that we must wash our hands a lot!

Sara Spiro

Don’t procrastinate. If you can do it now, do it now.

Michael Black

How much I dislike optmistic yet cheesy memes. Somedays I just want to be miserable and wallow in the sadness of my situation. And I don’t want anyone telling me the sun will come out tomorrow!

Nicole Marsden Niv

We waste money on unnecessary things!

Kineret Scher 

Not to waste money. I look at all the zillion things I have bought that are a waste of money – especially for the kids – loads of teddy bears, toys, etc., when in actual fact they only ever need a few things. I will be changing my ways for the future.

Leemor Davis 

That your immune system is all you really have got in this fight, and that one must do what ever you can to prioritise your health as best as you can.

Michal Pike 

My husband and I had our first baby during lockdown. We learned (albeit the hard way) that we are strong and more capable than we give ourselves credit for. We are all we need and we can rely only on each other.


After losing my job almost immediately after COVID-19 hit, without so much as a thank you or a hamper to tide me over, I really felt like I was in deep trouble. I panicked at the thought of being in this pickle, but more at the thought of being jobless when all the craziness ends. I found myself in a really low place. I had to dig deep to remind myself that all the times I have struggled, I have always found a way to push through, whether it has been from the help of a friend who knew someone who knew someone, or a communiy organisation that pulled me through. I realise I have always taken for granted the help Hashem has always sent to me. I only pray that there is one waiting for me at the end of this madness. But this time I will be sure to say a thank you, and pay it forward as best as I can.

Eve Marks

I have learned that family time is so precious. In the past, with all the busyness, a lot of it was wasted. I have learned (and am still learning) to work on my relationships and myself. I have also learned that cleaning my house can be therapeutic and educational (I listen to podcasts while cleaning) and this time is here for giving my kids skills that they may have missed out on before.


I realised how much time I spend on Facebook. Oy.

Wendy Richard 

To spend as much time with my family as I can. I have just loved being at home with my husband and children. My children need to spend as much time as possible with their grandparents and me too. Not to take Shabbos, shul, and guests for granted.

Fran Celender 

That a person must look after his health and not take anything for granted! Also, that growing old needs to be accepted gracefully.


I realise how scared I am of lockdown to end – what will the world look like? My home has become a very comfortable place to be.

Fiona Adler Sadman 

I have learned to slow down. Usually I am always rushing around… always in a hurry.

Cheryl Moses Pincus

The biggest thing I have learned is to slow down, and I just hope when this is all over we don’t go back to what we called normal before.

Casey Sher

I have realised how much I love my job and now that I am not working, how much I miss working. And also how important it is to see family and friends whenever you get a chance.

Diane Simon Sewitz 

Rely on people that you can trust.

Darren Goldman

Don’t be scared to ask for help and likewise to offer help to others. You don’t know what people are going through, and even the most seemingly perfect lives are fraught with hardship and struggles. People will relate to you more if you show them your weaknesses and let them help you find your strengths.

Lindy Ann Hoffmann

That I can live alone and be ok.


I’m a huge introvert, but even I miss being near people. I don’t just want to shake someone’s hand good Shabbos, I wanna give a hug! The one thing I really hope is that we don’t just return to the rushing back and forth. I’m just not in such a hurry anymore. Although shopping from home isn’t always easy, it’s a lot better than spending countless hours in shops.

Bev Greenhill

That I prefer to stay away from some people forever.

Adele Bert Gluckman 

Good health.

Joan Smith Simon 

How important friends are.

Janet Gritzman 

How grateful I am that I get on with my husband.

Natalie Cohen Rabson

That I am a tangible shopper and I hate trying to shop for groceries online. That I know what I want and need in my groceries. That I need to be in control, and battle handling that over to a third party. That there is a time and place where judgement of others behaviour is valid because it effects more than themselves, but that it always has a ripple effect to the broader community and is, in effect, dangerous. That we need to be kind to each other always. That everyone has something to give, even if it’s just time. And now is the time to reach out and give whatever we can, even though we are all suffering from lockdown fatigue and donor fatigue. I’ve also learned how important it is to support your community, your friends, and the broader community. There are so many people selling items that make useful and practical gifts. So, if we are looking for a birthday anniversary or wedding gift, we should think outside the box.


As a result of a significant loss of income, we were forced to take stock of our spending (something that we used to be so careful about!) – and we realised just how much we were overspending and overindulging! Not only were we able to cut back, but we even had enough to share with others who were in need. A simple life is a much happier life – and the special things that we save just for Shabbos become truly special.

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